Looking to Start an Interact Club?

How to Get Started

Download the Interact Handbook - A Guide for Sponsor Clubs and Advisers or the Interact Handbook - A Guide for Interactors to learn how to:

  • Start an Interact club, recruit members, and elect officers
  • Support club members and projects
  • Connect with Interact’s global community

Get your club chartered

Once you’ve organized your members and elected officers, you can apply for a charter from Rotary International. No fee is required. Here’s what to do:

More information here: https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/interact-clubs/details


District 7430 Vibrant Interact Clubs
Register Your Interact Club Every Year. Your Interact club is required to have a reported advisor annually. Advisors may be a member of the sponsoring Rotary or Rotaract club, a school administrator or faculty member, or community volunteer to serve as an adult contact to the Interact club. Although more than one person may serve in this role for your Interact club, Rotary International requires only one individual to be reported per Rotary each year (1 July – 30 June).

Youth Protection. Statement of Conduct for Working With Youth: Rotary International strives to create and maintain a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. To the best of their ability, Rotary members, their partners, and other volunteers must safeguard the children and young people with whom they come into contact and protect them from physical, sexual, and psychological abuse.

District 7430 Interact Chair
2024-2025 Karla Myers, Souderton-Telford Rotary
Email: karla.myers.fifsinc.com@clubrunner.email
District 7430 Interact Meetings 2024-2025
These virtual meetings are for Interact Officers, Interact Advisors, and Rotary Liaisons to Interact Clubs
Date/Time: September 23, 2024, 5:00 p.m. via Zoom
Topic: Preparing for 2024-2025 Interact Year
Date/Time:November 18, 2024, 5:00 p.m. via Zoom
Topic: International Connections
Club Spotlight: TBD
Date/Time: January 13, 2025, 5:00 p.m. via Zoom
Topic: Service Projects
Club Spotlight: TBD
Date/Time: April 14, 2025, 5:00 p.m. via Zoom
Topic: Fundraising Ideas
Club Spotlight: TBD

District 7430 Rotary Clubs Sponsoring Interact Clubs

Allentown, Allentown-West, Ambler, Bethlehem, Birdsboro, Blue Bell, Central Perkiomen, Collegeville, Emmaus, Fleetwood, Doylestown, Harleysville, Hatboro, Nazareth, Newtown, Norristown, North Penn, Pottstown, Slatington, Souderton-Telford, Spring Township Centennial, Spring-Ford Area, Springfield Township-Flourtown, West Reading-Wyomissing, Whitehall Area, and Willow Grove
Strengthen International Understanding and Service. Before you start planning club activities and service projects, review the basics in the Interact Guide for Rotary Club Sponsors and Advisers (PDF) or the Interact Guide for Interactors (PDF). Then help Interact members identify their unique skills and interests and form a plan. Additional resources
  • Be part of something bigger by supporting Rotary’s causes.
  • Participate in Global Youth Service Day and download resources from our service partner YSA (Youth Service America).
  • Show the world how Interact members take action during World Interact Week in November. Download your World Interact Week Certificate of Recognition (ZIP).
  • Submit a video for the annual Interact Video Awards that shows your club in action. The theme and submission guidelines are posted each October. Follow Interact on YouTube for details.