- Children who live to age five are twice as likely to reach adulthood.
- We want all children to grow up safe from preventable diseases.

- Students ages 15-18½ to participate in summer or academic year exchange programs
- Families to host exchange students (approx. 3 months)
- Rotarians to volunteer time to take trips with the inbound students
- Rotarians to offer opportunities for inbound exchange students to experience Americana
- Each student must be sponsored by a Rotary club. The student's family does not need to belong to a Rotary club.
- Applications for Academic Year (long-term) exchange are due before December 8. (We will continue to accept applications until February 2025, but placement locations become limited after the December 8 deadline.)
- District Interviews are December 8, 2025 near Ambler, PA in the early afternoon.
- Short-Term Exchange Program (summer) applications are open. Reach out to Rose Galeano-Phillips (RotaryRose7430@gmail.com) for questions and to get directions for the application process. This is a 6-week summer cultural exchange direct between two families. Students will travel for three weeks to another country and host a student for three weeks in their homes.
- December 7: you’ll find the students marching in the Ambler Holiday parade. Care to join us?

- Rotarians and spouses/partners may participate. Costs are paid for by the individuals. Lodging will be in a variety of hotels. There will be tours, meals, attending Rotary meetings and participation in Rotary Service projects.
- You may sign up for both weeks or just one week.
- Cost week one approximately $5,375 per couple (excluding airfare)
- Cost week two approximately $5,900 per couple (excluding airfare)
- Detailed itinerary will be provided once application received.
RYLA at Camp Neidig 2025: Empower Future Leaders—Register Today!Are you ready to inspire the next generation of leaders? The Camp Neidig 2025 experience is just around the corner, and now is the time to sign up campers for this life-changing opportunity. At just $375 per camper, this Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program offers an unparalleled chance for students to develop their leadership skills, build lifelong friendships, and grow as individuals.The Camp Neidig website has been updated with everything you need to get started, including camper registration information and valuable resources to help your Rotary Club sponsor participants with ease. Clubs will find updated tools for 2025, ensuring a smooth process for both sponsoring and supporting their campers.This year’s camp promises to be one of the best yet, packed with interactive sessions, inspiring speakers, and engaging activities. Don’t miss the chance to make an impact on the leaders of tomorrow! For more information and to register campers, visit www.campneidig.com. Secure your club’s spots today and help shape a brighter future!

Support the Rotary Foundation!
- In January we had 81 Rotarians attend our Grant Training Webinar—we now have 137 Rotarians grant certified! Now is the time to select your club projects for the Rotary Year 2025-2026 so we can have a lasting impact in all the projects that we implement.
- Has your club submitted the MOU yet for 2025-2026? 22 clubs are in—let’s get all 42 clubs working on a project!
- Do you know what Rotary’s Programs of Scale are?

Don’t miss the registration deadline for our Multi-District Conference. Secure your spot by registering here by February 28th to be part of an event that will inspire your own Rotary journey. Book your hotel online here or call directly. The conference will focus on Rotary’s commitment to peacebuilding and how we can make the greatest impact on lasting change. We are embracing the concept of peace with greater cohesion and inclusivity, broadening our definition of peacebuilding, and finding more ways for people to get involved. Do not miss this valuable opportunity to gain experience, connect, and have a positive impact. Plus, enjoy a range of family-friendly activities while visiting Hershey, PA—the sweetest place on earth!

Event | Date | Time | Audience | Presenter |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 11/11/24 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: OUR FOUNDATION | Monday 11/11/24 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | PDG Cindy Hornaman |
Club Runner NOVA presentation – ZOOM Register on the district website | Monday 11/18/24 | 6:00-7:00 PM | District Committee Chairs, AGs Club Presidents and Secretaries | Club Runner representative |
Pre PETS ZOOM | Tuesday 11/19/24 | 6:30–8:00 PM | All PEs | DGE Mary Cook |
PE Listening sessions | Wednesday 11/20/24 Guiseppe’s Pizza, Warminster Thursday 11/21/24 Brookside CC, Pottstown Monday 11/25/24 Starlite Diner, Rt 100 Fogelsville | 6:30 PM | All PEs – choose a session | DGE Mary Cook |
Presidents’ meeting Action Plan | Monday 12/9/24 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: ALL ABOUT CLUBRUNNER | Monday 12/9/24 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians; intro and advanced sessions | Club Runner Representative |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 1/13/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity GRANT TRAINING | Monday 1/13/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District Rotarians | PDG Cindy Hornaman |
Pre-PETS – Session 2 ZOOM | Tuesday 1/14/25 | 6:30-8:00 PM | All PEs | DGE Mary Cook |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 2/10/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity CONFLICT RESOLUTION | Monday 2/10/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Dr. Bob Gordon |
MAPETS | Friday 2/21/25-Sat 2/22/25 | Feb 20 night optional | Required of all PEs | MAPETS team |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 3/10/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity TELLING YOUR STORIES | Monday 3/10/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Public Image Committee |
4 Way Speech Test Contest Regionals | Saturday 3/22/25 | TBD | 4 Way Speech Test Committee | |
7430 Conference | April 4– April 6 | All District Rotarians | Hershey Lodge | |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 4/14/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
District Learning Assembly | Saturday 5/3/25 | 8:00 – 2:00 PM | All District Rotarians | VCS Team |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 5/12/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: YOUTH SERVICES | Monday 5/12/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Youth Services Panel |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 6/2/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |

- Keep our current members engaged.
- Publicize all of the community service and activities we do.
- Invite potential new members to our meetings and service projects.
Rotary District 7430 Hosts Vibrant Club SummitOn September 14, 67 Rotarians from 27 Rotary Clubs in District 7430, along with a guest from District 7410, gathered for the Vibrant Club Summit. The event featured a keynote address by Chris Etienne, Rotary International Director for Zone 32, who highlighted the Rotary Action Plan’s key priorities: Engage, Adapt, Reach, and Impact.Following the keynote, facilitators provided valuable resources and facilitated discussions, allowing Rotarians to exchange stories and ideas on fostering vibrant Rotary Clubs within their communities. Participants left with a deeper understanding of the new Rotary Action Plan toolkit and strengthened connections and friendships with D7430.

- What are you and your Club doing to celebrate Foundation Month?
- Do you have a foundation presentation scheduled at one of your club meetings?
- Are you highlighting the projects your club participates in with grants from the Foundation?
- Tuesday, November 19, our Rotary District 7430 Day of Giving—so easy
- Grant application period for the Rotary Year 2025-2026 Begins November 1, 2024 and continues through March 30, 2025. Let’s make an impact by utilizing our foundation! Club Presidents, President-Elects, Assistant Governors, Foundation Area Coordinators have all received e-mails.

Don’t Miss Out - Register for the Vibrant Club Summit Today!
Join us for an electrifying day of collaboration, innovation, and inspiration at this year's Vibrant Club Summit on Saturday, September 14! People of Action know that turning vision into reality requires a solid plan. Rotary’s Action Plan is our roadmap to bringing more people together to create lasting, positive change in an evolving world. By focusing on four key priorities—Increase Our Impact, Expand Our Reach, Enhance Participant Engagement, and Increase Our Ability to Adapt—we empower our clubs to grow in membership, boost public awareness, and strengthen our foundation for impactful projects.
The Vibrant Club Summit is your chance to dive into the Rotary Action Plan through dynamic, interactive workshops and collaborative sessions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and grow. Register today to ensure your club is on the path to vibrancy!
Advanced Technology Center at Montgomery County Community College
Register TODAY

Many of you are aware of our District's support and involvement with the Rotary Youth Exchange program which helps build world peace one student at a time. How many of you are aware we offer a short term exchange program that lasts 6-8 weeks as well as the long term exchange program that lasts an academic year? This summer D7430 supported two outbound and two inbound students. Alisa arrived from Finland in late June and was hosted by Sylvana and her family with the support of the West Reading-Wyomissing Rotary Club. They toured many local gems in PA, went to Philadelphia, NYC, Washington, D.C. and even canoed through Canada. The girls participated in the Rotary Club's 4th of July activities including the Field of Honor celebration ceremony and marching in the local parade. All this happened in three weeks! As you read this newsletter August 1st, Sylvana is exploring Finland and learning about its culture. We look forward to hearing about her adventures when she returns.The Emmaus Rotary club also supported a short-term exchange. Kyra, a local Emmaus student, started her exchange in Austria with Pamina's family. As of the writing of this announcement, we are waiting to hear about her adventures in Austria. The girls are traveling to the USA together and Kyra will expose Pamina to our local communities. NYC, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and they have plans to visit the Emmaus Rotary Club, and attend an Iron Pigs game.Please reach out to Rose Galeano-Phillips at RotaryRose@gmail.com for more information about youth participating in the direct family-to-family short-term exchange next summer. There is no cost to the club for the short-term exchange. Students pay the airfare, insurance, and a minimal participation fee.In just a few short weeks we will welcome the inbound long-term exchange class of 2024-25. D7430 is hosting six students. You will have the opportunity to meet them at various district events throughout the year. If you have a special place, meal, or activity you would like to share with the students, please reach out to the committee to let us know and coordinate the details. We also have four outbound students who will be spending 10 months abroad starting in August.We are always welcoming new committee members to serve as much or little as you are able. We typically meet in person in connection with our student gatherings and other times Zoom together to square up details for events. Help as you are able. For some of our gatherings it’s as easy as donating snacks and beverages. Check out our website for more information. Rotary7430YEP.orgBelieve it or not, it’s time to start contacting your local high schools to determine if they have any students aged 15-18 who are interested in studying abroad 2025-26. Applications will start being accepted mid-September 2024. We don’t want to rush the summer but we want to be prepared for the fall. Grace Clancy is our outbound student coordinator for D7430. Grace can be reached at clancygrace@hotmail.com.Linda Kennedy is the District Youth Exchange Chairperson and can be contacted at yepchair7430@gmail.com if you have any additional questions. We hope you have the opportunity to interact with these wonderful students and learn about their experiences.
Polio Eradication and Rotary’s Focus
on Disease Prevention and Treatment
We look forward to honoring World Polio Day on October 24. Polio eradication has remained Rotary’s #1 priority . . . and nothing about it has been easy. Their efforts to achieve this have been tireless.
District 7430 honors the Horsham Rotary Club for hosting this year’s Race to Zero in our district. The family-friendly Race to Zero is being held on Sunday, October 13, at Simmons Elementary School, Babylon Road in Horsham. Join us! Register Here!
The Rotary Foundation is equally determined in its efforts to spread the message about the power of vaccines to save lives. As we support the 2024 Race to Zero, let's focus on the Call to Action, that emphasizes the Area of Focus: Disease Prevention and Treatment. Rotary is encouraging us all to bring the message of the miracle of vaccines home – home to our OWN communities.
Feel free to contact me to speak to your Club about Polio Eradication and about ideas of fun projects on how your Club can support these efforts in YOUR Community.
Yours in Rotary service,
Carol Ferguson
Email: d7430endpoliocarol@gmail.com


- Photos from Pursat Region
- 2nd Quarterly Report on Global Grant GG2343143
- Visit SC in Cambodia - Sustainable Cambodia Trips

Announcing Our Keynote Speaker
for the Vibrant Club Summit!
We are thrilled to announce that Chris Etienne, Zone 32 Rotary International Director, will be our keynote speaker at this year's Vibrant Club Summit on September 14. Chris will speak virtually and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the Rotary Action Plan. We are excited to hear insights that will inspire and empower your club to thrive.
The Vibrant Club Summit will feature engaging and interactive sessions focused on increasing our impact, expanding our reach, enhancing participant engagement, and increasing our ability to adapt. Join us for a day of learning, sharing, and networking with fellow Rotarians committed to making a difference. Register now for the Vibrant Club Summit hosted by Rotary District 7430 on September 14 at Montgomery County Community College Blue Bell campus.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an event that promises to inspire and energize our efforts in making a lasting impact. Secure your spot today and be ready to be inspired by Chris Etienne and collaborate with fellow Rotary members.
Register now and join us for a day of innovation, collaboration, and growth!
Registration link: https://rotarydistrict7430.org/event/vibrant-club-summit-hosted-by-rotary-district-7430/

- Are you highlighting the projects your club participates in with grants from the Foundation?
- Grant application period is now! The Rotary Year 2025-2026 Grant Application period began November 1, 2024 and goes through March 30, 2025. Let’s make an impact by utilizing our foundation! Club Presidents, President-Elects, Assistant Governors, Foundation Area Coordinators have all received e-mails.
- Grant training is January 13, 2025. Go to the district7430.org website calendar to register. Once you register you will receive a link.

Exciting Public Image Updates
from the
Brand Center and Learning Center!
We're thrilled to announce the addition of new resources to the Brand Center, including two impactful radio ads. These ads are designed to tell the public who we are and what we do. Use the search bar to type 'radio' to see all our radio content. Consider asking radio stations in your community to air them:
- "We Are Rotary" Ad: This ad highlights how Rotary members solve problems and address community needs, inviting others to join us in taking action.
- "Vaccinating Every Child Under Five" Ad: This ad underscores the effectiveness of vaccines and Rotary’s steadfast work to eradicate polio alongside our partners.
In the coming weeks, Rotary Showcase will be retired to make way for the Service Project Center (SPC). This dynamic and feature-rich hub will offer improved tools for managing your projects, better speed, and streamlined processes.
Learning Center:
Check out the new course Using Rotary's Trademarks. This course will teach you how to correctly use Rotary names and trademarks for your club, district, or other Rotary entities such as Rotary Action Groups or Rotary Fellowships. Learn how to align these with Rotary’s vision and brand to effectively promote your events and service projects, enhancing recognition in your community. (Be sure to log into My Rotary first.)
Stay tuned for these exciting updates and make the most of these new tools and resources!
Do you have Public Image questions or are you looking for a public image speaker? Reach out to our team via Amy Sheller, District 7430 Public Image Chair at amycsheller@gmail.com
Leveraging Our Strengths to Boost Membership Engagementby Valerie Deneen
For many Rotary Clubs, boosting membership engagement can be challenging. One approach shared by leadership expert Dr. Marcus Buckingham argues that focusing on developing strengths (instead of trying to improve weaknesses) leads to higher engagement, productivity, and satisfaction.
How Can We Apply This to Our Clubs?
- Identify and Use Member Strengths: Create a brief survey asking club members to list their top three strengths or request that members take the High 5 Strengths Test. Use the results to invite members to take on roles or join committees where they can make the biggest impact.
- Build on What's Already Working: Collaborate with other clubs to share ideas for successful fundraisers and service projects rather than create new events from scratch.
- Leverage Community: Use our well-established community relationships to develop meaningful projects and attract new members.
We can work together to create Rotary Clubs where members feel valued and connected by embracing a strengths-based approach to membership engagement.
Has your club tried a similar approach? Feel free to email me at vdeneen@gmail.com to share your insights and experiences. I would love to hear from you!
By the Numbers

Our communities need us. When you drive into our towns and see that Rotary wheel on the side of the road it means there are caring people up ahead. It is each of our jobs to lighten the load of our club and district leadership so we can continue to do good and always ask “Hey, I know CPR, can I help?"
Event | Date | Time | Audience | Presenter |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday, 8/12/24 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: OUR LEARNING CENTER | Monday, 8/12/24 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Edmond Colon |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday, 9/9/24 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 10/14/24 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents& AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: CONFLICT RESOLUTION | Monday 10/14/24 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Dr. Robert Gordon |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 11/11/24 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: OUR FOUNDATION | Monday 11/11/24 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | PDG Cindy Hornaman |
Presidents’ meeting Action Plan | Monday 12/9/24 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: ALL ABOUT CLUBRUNNER | Monday 12/9/24 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Club Runner Representative |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 1/13/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: GRANT TRAINING | Monday 1/13/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | PDG Cindy Hornaman and the Grant team |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 2/10/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity FUNDRAISING | Monday 2/10/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Gwenn Carr and Panel |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 3/10/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity TELLING YOUR STORIES | Monday 3/10/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Amy Sheller and the Public Image team |
7430 Conference | April 6 – April 8 | All District 7430 Rotarians | Hershey Lodge | |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 4/14/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 5/12/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Learning Opportunity: YOUTH SERVICES | Monday 5/12/25 | 6:00-7:00 PM | All District 7430 Rotarians | Darlene Scott and Youth Services Panel |
Rotary International Conference | May 21-25 | All District 7430 Rotarians | Calgary | |
Presidents’ meeting | Monday 6/2/25 | 5:30-6:00 PM | Club Presidents & AGs | DG Katie Farrell |
Gold (≥$5,000) | Silver (≥$3,000) | Bronze (≥$1,000) |
Kutztown | Bethlehem Morning Star | Allentown |
Willow Grove | Bluebell | Allentown West |
Hatboro | Central Perkiomen | |
Fleetwood | ||
Horsham | ||
Newtown | ||
Perkasie | ||
Quakertown | ||
Wyomissing-West Reading |

- As we begin our new Rotary Year—let’s FOCUS: Foundation!
- Our giving to the Foundation has such amazing impact in all of our clubs, both locally and internationally. What can YOU DO to provide donations for all of our projects?
- Let’s tell our stories about our projects through the Foundation using our Public image tools.
- Let’s increase our membership by focusing on our projects and allowing members of our community to get involved to view our impact.
- And our new “NEWS”: Our Journey to the Next Million started in the Rotary Year 2021-2022 with the goal of our District 7430 Donations to the Rotary Foundation to exceed one million dollars. Although all the numbers are not yet final, WE HAVE DONE IT! Our giving at press time exceeded $1 Million...we were at $1,303,099 and counting!
- Our Polio donations have exceeded our goal: we are now at $36K!
- Our Annual Fund Donations are now at $259,398 – and we have work to do for more contributions to the Annual Fund.

Membership in Focus
As we enter our new Rotary year, we are always refocusing, reimagining and reinventing. Most clubs have a new president at the helm and with that come some fresh ideas and initiatives. As our District Membership Team grows, we are focused on you and your clubs and we want to help you grow. Our new RI president, Stephanie Urchick, has challenged us to grow our district by 100 net new members. That may seem like a lofty goal, but it is possible. Let’s set our sights high and surpass our expectations. Let the Rotary Magic begin!

On June 20, 2024 we celebrated our Annual Rotary District 7430 Officer Changeover Celebration. With over 100 Rotarians at the William Penn Inn- it was truly a celebration. Rotarians from all around our district enjoying the fellowship of one another.
DG Diane presented a review of the activities of the 2023-24 Rotary Year along with several recognitions of service and accomplishments.

Our Past District Governors held the annual Council of Governors meeting where DG Diane reviewed the 2023 -2024 Rotary Year and DG for 2024-2025 Katie shared visions and plans for the next Rotary Year.

The pinning of Katie Farrell as our new DG and official banner exchange from the Bethlehem Club to the Warminster Club ended the evening with DG Katie presenting the district’s new vision and goals for our new Rotary Year starting today, July 1, 2024.

Rotaplast Update from Medellin
I’ve recently completed my first Rotaplast mission. We traveled to Medellin, Colombia and our team of volunteer Rotarians and medical specialists provided cleft lip and/or palate surgeries for over 80 children. Some children walked for over three days with their parents to come out of the remote areas for this life-changing procedure. Our humanitarian medical team even trained local interns and medical students on how to care for and support these children. Education and sustainability are a big part of Rotaplast. Working ourselves out of a job in Colombia is part of the mission.
The main thing I came home with from this mission was a reinforcement of not how different life was there, or the people were in Colombia – it was how similar we were. Parents with tears of joy seeing their children now with a better chance to be free, strong, and supported in their communities.There were non-profit organizations offering new shoes to each child, some wearing them, I’m sure, for the first time in their lives. There was a government doing the best they could to support this effort by providing transportation, housing, and support. Local Rotarians worked with us every day to help in any way they could. They provided lunches, transportation, and translators for us, and educated us on their efforts to serve their community with love. Mucho Gusto, by the way, means “it’s nice to meet you.” I feel like I heard that phrase a thousand times during our mission. And you know what? It really was.

- Phnom Penh: Discover the heart of Cambodia's capital city, rich with historical significance and cultural landmarks.
- Siem Reap:
- Pursat Province: Venture far off the typical tourist routes to visit village families and see the direct impact of Rotary projects in these remote communities.