Welcome to January, Vocational Service month for Rotary International. Vocational Service is Rotary’s second Avenue of Service. Its purpose is to promote high ethical standards in businesses and professions, recognize the worthiness of all dignified occupations, and foster the ideal of service in the pursuit of all vocations. Each Rotarian represents his or her particular business or profession in the Club and explores the ideals of Rotary in the workplace. One ideal is the Four-Way Test. Practical applications include: open and honest communication, treating people fairly and with dignity, encouraging diversity of opinion, recognizing achievements and being accountable for our own actions.

And it’s Vocational Service Month in District 7430. Let’s ask how we can serve our businesses and professions. Let’s show our communities what Rotary stands for and why. Let’s share our ethical commitment with colleagues and Rotarians. Let’s continue classification talks by new members and discuss business ethics. Consider sponsoring Career Day for young people. Let’s put our vocational skills to work for
Rotary and creating vocational awards. Let’s continue sharing Rotary ideals with youth by incorporating ethics at Camp Neidig and conducting the Four-Way Test Speech Contest.
Our Project Showcase features Rick Millham of the Doylestown Rotary Club and Scott Wright of the Norristown Rotary Club. The Doylestown Rotary Club honors vocations, specifically people who follow the Four-Way Test in the performance of their jobs. The Norristown Rotary Club honors vocations, specifically people who invite Norristown Rotarians to meet at their places of business.
Our Showcase Tuesday featured Tom Kulp, president of the Kutztown Rotary Club and members of the Learning Committee: Marlene Heller, Amy Sheller and Lou Bottitta. Kutztown Rotarians honors farmers at an annual dinner first begun in 1938. The Learning Committee shares ideas on how Rotarians can practice vocational service through programs and projects and by applying our professional skills.
District Rotarians gave generously during the first half of the Rotary year. We presently have the highest number of ShelterBox HERO clubs of any District in the USA. We contributed more cash to PolioPlus than any other District in Region 39. District 7430 donated $2,000 to District 6710 in Kentucky, which was recently devastated by tornadoes.
Please work on membership engagement this month. Send your new Rotarians to our online Welcome to Rotary on January 18. Support our fundraiser for the STEM project on February 12 at Indian Valley Country Club. Register for the District Conference at Hershey Lodge scheduled April 22 through 24. Plan now for the District 7430 Rotary Day of Service on April 30 led by the Environmental Sustainability Team and the Public Image Committee. I look forward to seeing you soon!