The Magic of STEM YEA
Join us as a volunteer for STEM YEA July 11-14 at Kutztown University. Volunteers walk the students from the dorms to the South Dining Hall and the labs and classrooms on the north side of the campus. We have certified teachers and college interns to manage the STEM and project-building sessions. Volunteers assist underserved seventh graders in planning a trip to Mars. You will learn much more about Astrobiology than when you attended school!
Experience the magic of community and shared purpose at STEM YEA. Witness 60 students from 20+ clubs in our district come together and blossom into scientists over a four-day period. The best part? There are no charges for you to attend, have breakfast or lunch with us, or join us for an evening show in the Kutztown Planetarium. We're all in this together, and we can't wait to have you join us!
Come to Kutztown University for a few hours to “do good in the world.”
(Photo shows last year's STEM YEA graduates wearing their official lab coats)
To volunteer, click the link below.