"Lead it like Lasso" When our Mid Atlantic President Elect Training Seminar (MAPETS) committee floated the idea that we use the tv show, Ted Lasso, as a theme for our president training this year, I had no idea what the hype was about.
Who the heck is Ted Lasso? That was my very first thought. So I did what any curious person does, I googled it. Then I found a whole bunch of videos on YouTube. The more I learned about him and his coaching philosophy, I decided to sign up for Apple TV and watch the show. My husband and I just completed the 3 season series a few weeks ago and it is seriously the best show I have ever watched on television.
Ted Lasso, in case you don't know - I won't give too much away, is an American College Football coach hired by a British football club's new owner to destroy the team. The new owner wanted to punish her ex-husband by taking what he loved the most, the football club- and burying it into the ground. Ted admittedly doesn't know a thing about soccer. But Ted has many beliefs that make him a great coach, no matter what the sport. He improves teams by improving people. He makes them feel like they are part of something much bigger than themselves.
One of the first Lasso beliefs we learn about is, "Be a goldfish.' Why a goldfish? Because it is the happiest animal on the planet. Why is it the happiest animal on the planet? Because a goldfish only has a 10 second memory. By becoming more like a goldfish, we don't hold on to grudges; we don't let past hurts hold us back; we don't let things people said to us get us down. We move forward.
Choosing the theme, "Lead it like Lasso" and watching the series has already made me a better human. Can you imagine what the world would look like, if we all led like Lasso?
Join Rotary members from Districts 7390, 7410, 7430, and 7490 at our Multi-District Conference in April. Become empowered by this spotlight on our dedication to peace-building as we tackle today’s pressing issues: poverty, discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and the unequal distribution of resources. We are thrilled to welcome the following speakers, who will share their insights to inspire us as individuals and empower our clubs to thrive.
Barry Rassin
Past President, Rotary International
Past Chair, Rotary Foundation
Chris Offer
Past Chair, Rotary Peace Centers Committee
Past Rotary Peace Major Gifts Initiative Committee
Chris Etienne
Zone 28 Director, Rotary International
Linda Low
Peace Fellow, Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center
Moh Eid
Program Officer, Rotary Peace Centers
Hagir Elsheikh
Chairwoman & CEO of Hagir Network, Founder/President of Tomorrow’s Smile INC, Kareem’s Mission non-profit Org, HSE Staffing Agency LLC, and KMission TV LLC.
Join us April 4-6, 2025, for an incredible opportunity to share, collaborate, and network with fellow members of Rotary who are dedicated to making a difference. Register now for the full conference or choose the Saturday-only option.
It’s a New Calendar Year—halfway through the Rotary Year
OUR ANNUAL FUND: We are at the halfway point with our giving goal — have you given to the Rotary Foundation?
Grant application period is now! The Rotary Year 2025-2026 Grant Application period began November 1, 2024, and continues through March 30, 2025. Each one of us can make a positive impact by utilizing our foundation! Club Presidents, Presidents-Elect, Assistant Governors, Foundation Area Coordinators have all received e-mails.
Remember, your club must sign and return the 2025-2026 MOU to enter a new grant. Go to the district7430.org website and under Foundation, click grants. You can download the MOU.
Join us in our Rotary District 7430
When: Saturday, March 8,2025
5:30 pm-8:30 pm
William Penn Inn
1017 DeKalb Pike
Gwynedd, PA 19436
Come for Foundation Support, fellowship, fun, and maybe some surprises…
Happy hour, hot and cold appetizers, hot station buffet
Did You Resolve to Learn More About Rotary and Improve Your Club and Yourself in the New Year?
Here are Some Suggestions for Learning more about Rotary
Was Rotary in your 2025 New Year’s resolutions? You can learn everywhere and anytime with Rotary’s Learning Center. Take courses, find resources and connect with an online community.
Presidents, halfway through the 2024-2025 year, do you need some help? The Rotary Learning Center can help you improve your facilitation and meeting management skills, accelerating your progress toward completing the 2024-2025 goals. Check out “Leading Effective Committees.”
Is your Membership Committee stuck and needs new ideas to increase or engage membership? Check out “Strategies for Attracting New Members” or “Best Practices for Engaging Members.”
Does your Public Image team need inspiration? Check out “Promoting Your Club as People of Action.”
It’s easy to sign in. Use your My Rotary account at rotary.org/learn, or find the link on My Rotary under the Learning & Reference tab. Courses are grouped by topic. You can filter by topic to find courses.
Our District also offers monthly Learning Opportunities. Check out District 7430’s calendar for more information. The sessions are scheduled for 6 P.M. on the second Monday of January, February, March, and May 2025. We look forward to having you join us.
If so, then The Rotary Inter-Country Committee USA/Italy is just for you.
What is Rotary Inter-Country Committee?
Rotary Inter-Country Committees (ICCs) promote relationships between two or more international districts or countries to increase the fellowship and intercultural understanding among the people of the various nations; foster stronger ties between the members, clubs, and districts from different countries; and establish networks across borders, continents, and oceans.
Today, more than 600 ICC sections from all over the world provide significant support to all programs of Rotary and its Foundation. They help increase the effectiveness of the international service in our seven areas of focus.
Rotary Districts 5240,5280,5340,5890 in California, Rotary District 7620 in Maryland and Pennsylvania D7430 are partnering together with Districts in Italy. This is our first ICC exchange.
Two Opportunities:
May 5, 2025 – May 12, 2025: Genoa region (Camogli-SanFruttuoso-Portofino, Liguria)
May 12, 2025 – May 19, 2025: Tuscany region (Florence, Siena, Lucca)
Rotarians and spouses/partners may participate. Costs are paid for by the individuals. Lodging will be in a variety of hotels. There will be tours, meals, attending Rotary meetings and participation in Rotary Service projects.
You may sign up for both weeks or just one week.
Cost week one approximately $5,375 per couple (excluding airfare)
Cost week two approximately $5,900 per couple (excluding airfare)
Detailed itinerary will be provided once application received.
Applications are being accepted now on a first-come, first-served basis. There is limited space.
Include your name and partner name, District number and e-mail.
Join the adventure and meet fellow Rotarians from Italy and the USA.