Let's reflect a bit over the past few months: torrential rain, an earthquake, high winds, temperature flips, an eclipse, and the ever-promise of spring. Does anyone else feel like heaven and earth are moving? These weather events happen and then they're gone leaving us with an experience that fades into a "remember when" moment. Rotary doesn't move heaven and earth like this...or do we? When the rain falls we'll send out a beacon. The the earth shakes, we work toward stability. When the temperature flips, we'll work for shelter. Where there is darkness, Rotary is hope. All it takes is one Rotarian at one moment in time. This is the vibrant tapestry of our District. We served our areas, which means we serve our district and our district serves the world. This is Rotary.
Karin Suttmann, editor Vibrant Club News, Warminster Rotary Club president, 2022-24
Above are two photos from our Basketball Tournament. It has been going on for many years; sometimes the schools change but the Tournament endures. This year, Lehighton won the trophy. Next year most of the schools will change. It is typically played the week between Christmas and New Year. This is a huge fundraiser for us - companies buy ads in the program, we pay the cost of the tournament, and the balance is used for mainly scholarships or community grants. Submitted by Carla Green, Rotary Club of Slatington President
Surely Reading just saw another blanket of daffodils again this spring. Last year the club planted over 40,000 bulbs across the city to kick off Reading's 275th Anniversary. On March 17, 2024 Reading Rotarians opened a time capsule at the Berks History Center as part of the city’s celebration. It contained several club items such as a roster of members and a small banner.
One by one, the items were pulled from the large, metal box and held aloft for the crowd to see. There was a copy of the Reading Times, a program from a Reading Phillies game, a Christmas ornament, a WFMZ coffee mug. There was even a never-been-used portable CD player.
Each item helped to paint a picture, one of a Reading and Berks County of the past. They had been placed in the custom-made box — a gift from Carpenter Technology Corp. — back in 1998 to celebrate Reading’s 250th anniversary.
The time capsule, which had been stored at the Reading Pagoda, will be given to the city for safekeeping. It’s scheduled to be reopened in 2048 to celebrate the city’s 300th anniversary.
...It’s A Spring Thing May 7 from 6 to 8:30 PM Evansburg Winery in Collegeville
The Collegeville Rotary Club Is happy to present our second Wine and Basket Raffle to support scholarships for rising Seniors to attend Leadership Camp Neidig. We are privileged to have Camp Neidig in our District, offering a great opportunity for students to enjoy 3 days of immersion, working together and learning the tools to be leaders in our communities. Collegeville Rotary raises sufficient funds to ensure that all of the students selected can attend without the burden of the entry fee.
The It’s A Spring Thing... fundraiser is fun, (as the 5th component of our 4-way test).This is an all-community event. We were offered a great venue, the Evansburg Vineyards which can accommodate 150, with areas for relaxing or dancing to the music of our local ‘Music Depot’. The Vineyards has a wonderful selection of wines, and we have hors d’oeuvres sponsored by Wegmans, Giant and Redner’s. Baskets and items are generously donated from all around town, and - of course - include local Golf Clubs. We anticipate another entertaining evening to relax and enjoy friends and appreciate your support!
To Register and buy raffle tickets: www.collegevillerotary.org
Or contact Patricia.C.Keeney@gmail.com
Evansburg Vineyards, 3857 Germantown Pike, Collegeville, PA
Cost $30 per person, includes a glass of wine, appetizers and 2 raffle tickets
The West Reading-Wyomissing Rotary Club is coordinating the 2024 Berks County Field of Honor® July 1st - 6th to commemorate Heroes!
Partnering with the Wyomissing Borough Parks and Recreation Department to enhance their July 4th Parade and Celebration, United States flags will fly at the Wyomissing Stone House Pond (1216 Parkside Dr. N – Wyomissing, PA 19610) July 1-6, 2024. Each U.S. flag is an opportunity for people to share a story dedicated to honor an individual(s). The dedications ranged from those currently serving in our Active-Duty Military, Veterans, Fallen Servicemen & Women, First Responders, Police, Heroes in Our Lives to Hometown Heroes such as teachers, non-profit leaders, or the neighbor who’s always there for you. Walking through the flags is open to the community and reading the dedications created an amazing story of the people in our community.
Click Here to see the 2024 Field of Honor® website for more information.
Click Here to watch the 2023 Field of Honor® BCTV Documentary Video.
EGG-citing day at Wilson School District Bulldog Field for special needs students ages 4-21! West Reading-Wyomissing Rotary Club supported our Wison School District Interact Club with their 2024 Eggstavaganza egg hunt for special need students. These amazing Interact students coordinated an experience that brought smiles to over 100 families with 5000 eggs filled with candy, ice cream, bubbles, crochet rabbits (made by Rotarians) and special basket prizes.
Submitted by Gail Landis, West Reading-Wyomissing Rotary Club
We like to think of ourselves as a smaller club that never stops! The past few months at the Warminster Rotary Club included our continual Student of The Month honors, hosting our 4-Way Speech Contest, celebrating our Charter with a Fiesta theme, collecting over 1,600 pounds of food donations for the Warminster Food Bank, schlepping through the mud to clean up one of our township water basins with the Warminster Municipal Authority and a really good attempt to play cornhole with our friends at the Warrington Rotary Club! We recently awarded six Paul Harris Fellows, and just when we reached the 100% Paul Harris club level, welcomed two new members! What's next? In addition to holding our annual Golf Outing Fundraiser (Fri 4/26) and participating in the upcoming District Conference, Warminster Rotarians are working on a new "Gold Club" idea for area seniors, a Summer Splash concept for the children of our township, an exciting new and promising partnership with the Huntingdon Valley/Churchville Club and being the home club of our District Governor Elect.
Left: State Representative/Rotarian Brian Munroe, President Suttmann, Past President Jason Cartwright at the Warrington Cornhole Tournament.
Right: President Karin Suttmann speaking at the 2024 Warminster Rotary Club Charter Fiesta.
Center: Rotarian and Club Foundation Treasurer Daulton George during the spring basin cleanup, removing heavy debris from deep within a rain-and-trash-soaked township water basin.
Submitted by Karin Suttmann, 2022-24 President of the Warminster Rotary Club
Throughout the winter and early spring, our members have been learning about happenings within the District, opportunities for local service, and services available in the community. Our Club continues to grow! We welcomed new members Greta Mast, Vice President Commercial Lending at Neffs National Bank, and Michelle Khouri, District Registrar/Community Relations at Whitehall Coplay School District. We are excited that they are sharing their time and talent with us.
At our monthly breakfast meetings, we heard from Dr. Bob Steckel, Whitehall-Coplay Superintendent and Club member, about progress on the District's 2030 comprehensive plan, a 10 year vision, with annual targeted goals. We learned about the impact and importance of the Rotary Foundation from Bill Erdman, as well as the mission and projects of community organizations Big Brothers Big Sisters Lehigh Valley and Miracle League of the Lehigh Valley.
In mid-March five local students participated in our annual 4-Way Test speech contest with topics ranging from the mental health crisis in children and accessibility of college tuition to transgender athletes and the effectiveness of the prison system. Their stellar entries made it difficult, but ultimately the judges selected Isabella B. from Whitehall High School as the winner. Her persuasive speech focused on the restrictiveness of the minimum wage system. Club President Ed Hozza presented her with a check for $250. We continue to serve the local community through our monthly SUNshine box and food distribution at the Whitehall Food Pantry, and our Clean-Up of the Ironton Rail Trail and MacArthur Road in the township. Our bike repair station, purchased through a Rotary District 7430 grant, has been installed at the Whitehall Trailhead of the Ironton Rail Trail.
Our Whitehall Area Rotary Foundation has granted contributions to local organizations, including the Whitehall Township and Catasauqua Public Libraries, the Catasauqua School District and Whitehall Perk, the coffee shop run by the LifeSkills students at Whitehall High School.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for our 8th Annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk, scheduled for December 7th!
Success stories and Members in the News!
Past President and current Club Secretary Diane Silfies Davidson was honored at the Keller Williams Real Estate - Allentown Award Ceremony with #3 in Sales Volume and #3 in units sold in 2023.
Club member Mary Kay McMahon, President and CEO of Fellowship Community, was again named to the Lehigh Valley Business “Power 100 List.”
Submitted by Tracy Kleppinger Bozik, Whitehall Area Rotary Club
The Rotary Club of Montgo-New Britain has been very busy with our service projects (including our Highway Cleanup), fundraisers (such as our super fun mini golf event), our social activities and our phenomenal speakers. Inspiring presentations have included the I95 Miracle Rebuild, our local supervisors, Polio Plus and assisting Ukraine. We are looking forward to our mixer on 4/30 at 5:30 Embers in Chalfont!
Submitted by Andrea Duffy, Montgo New Britian Rotary Club
The Emmaus Rotary Club 4-Way Test Speech Contest took place at Willow Lane Elementary School. Rotary members Gordon Reese, Diane Graham, Eric Loch, and Karen Hobson volunteered to assist with the contest. Four Emmaus High School contestants delivered engaging speeches that addressed ethical problems using the principles of the 4-Way Test. While all students delivered excellent speeches, Emma D. earned first place among the four contestants. The other EHS students who competed were Grant G., Amanda K., and Rebecca G.
In April, Emmaus Rotary Club helped clean up the Little Lehigh River in the public areassurrounding Rising River Brewery. They gathered and cleaned up the yearly flood debris and trash in the woods and riverbank near the property. Afterward, Rising River Brewery provided lunch to all volunteers.
Mark your calendars for the Emmaus Rotary Cornhole Tournament to be held on June 2 at McCall Taphouse 7743 Hamilton Blvd Breinigsville, PA 18031. All you can eat & drink! Register your team or check out sponsorship opportunities at https://cornhole.emmausrotary.org
Garden of Health Service Event | Souderton-Telford Rotarians helped prepare the garden beds for planting at the Garden of Health Food Bank Hatfield Farm. This undertaking involved a lot more physical labor than our usual service projects. The wind was strong and the mulch was blowing - but we persevered and prepared over 20 lanes in the garden to start the growing season. Thank you, Souderton-Telford Rotarian Liz Herman for planning such a great morning! Click here to see more photos of Rotarians at work!
Members of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club braving the wind to help prepare the fields at the Garden of Health Food Bank Hatfield Farm.
Club President Luncheon
In two years, our club will be celebrating our 100th anniversary. To reflect on this amazing achievement and to discuss the success of the recent past, Souderton-Telford Rotary Club presidents from the past ten years gathered for lunch. Each past president took a moment to share the high points of their presidential year with the future club leadership. A common theme was how they felt supported in their leadership role and the value of the relationships built during this time. They might have been the “leader,” but they felt their year was successful because others stepped in and assisted in many ways. These leaders continue to participate with our club because of those relationships. Rotary is an excellent place to build your business network, develop your leadership abilities, and build friendships.
Past Presidents, standing: Jim Leary 2014-‘15; Al Engel ‘15–‘16; Steve Kendra ‘16-‘17; Suzi Berry ‘18-‘19
Past Presidents, sitting: Ed Brubaker ‘19-‘20; Mayor Dan Yocum ‘20-‘21; Karla Myers ’21-’22; Brad Bissinger ’22-’24; President Elect Kate Hoath ’24-‘25
Submitted by Michelle Kane, Souderton Telford Rotary Club
Allentown West held an Irish Bingo fundraiser in March, and is planning a Chili Cook Off for May. Irish Bingo, which featured Beautiful Basket raffles, and included food and a standup comic, netted about $7,000. This was the club’s first time holding this event, and plans are underway to hold it again.
The Chili Cook Off is open to all Rotary clubs, so if your club has a super chef with a winning recipe, go to https://www.rotarychilicookoff.org/ and sign up! You’ll find all the rules and pertinent information there as well.
Submitted by Marlene Heller, Allentown West Rotary Club
Vibrant Club News is always accepting stories from District 7430 Clubs! Just send a short write up and any photos to Karin Suttmann at KSuttmann@JLMedia.com and we will include your submission in the next edition.
The deadline for the next edition is: 7/16/24 featuring news from club activities in April, May and June.