D7430 Rotary Youth Exchange
It’s back to school time for many and to the Rotary Youth Exchange committee it means welcoming our next group of exchange students. This year we are fortunate to have six students in our district. The first chance to meet them is during our inbound orientation September 6-8 in the Horsham area. If you want to learn more about the exchange program, let us know and we’ll share more details.
How can you and your club get involved now?
1. Recruit 15-18 year-old-students who want to study abroad for the 2025-26 academic year or for the Short Term Exchange program the summer of 2025. Applications will be accepted starting in October. District interviews are December 8.
2. Find host families willing to open their doors to an incoming exchange student. (Typically, we divide the year into 2-3 different families for each student. The host families must be in the same school district for consistency for the student.)
3. Join our committee – we meet monthly with the students and take them on short trips or experiences to enhance their time in the States.
Want to explore the exchange student program for our district? Check out the website: Rotary7430YEP.org If you want to attend any of our events, please email the contact. We don’t put exact location details online because they are minors and the site is public.
Help us make this the best year of their lives!
*If you have season tickets to sports or theater or a great vacation home or access to something unique to the United States, please share your treasures with these students. We’d be happy to connect you to the students to make their exchange year the best it can be.
Ana from Brazil sponsored by the Rotary Club of Willow Grove
Anaya from India sponsored by the Rotary Club of Allentown West
Antek from Poland sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bethlehem Morning Star and Bethlem
Emi from Agrentina sponsored by the Rotary Club of Emmaus
Leander from Germany sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kutztown
Zoe from Switzerland sponsored by the Rotary Club of West Reading-Wyomissing
Linda Kennedy, Chair YEPChair7430@gmail.com
Carolyne Jordan, RYE Public Image ship934me@gmail