Do you like to visit other countries?
Do you like to travel?
If so, then The Rotary Inter-Country Committee USA/Italy is just for you.
What is Rotary Inter-Country Committee?
Rotary Inter-Country Committees (ICCs) promote relationships between two or more international districts or countries to increase the fellowship and intercultural understanding among the people of the various nations; foster stronger ties between the members, clubs, and districts from different countries; and establish networks across borders, continents, and oceans.
Today, more than 600 ICC sections from all over the world provide significant support to all programs of Rotary and its Foundation. They help increase the effectiveness of the international service in our seven areas of focus.
Rotary Districts 5240,5280,5340,5890 in California, Rotary District 7620 in Maryland and Pennsylvania D7430 are partnering together with Districts in Italy. This is our first ICC exchange.
Two Opportunities:
May 5, 2025 – May 12, 2025: Genoa region (Camogli-SanFruttuoso-Portofino, Liguria)
May 12, 2025 – May 19, 2025: Tuscany region (Florence, Siena, Lucca)
  • Rotarians and spouses/partners may participate. Costs are paid for by the individuals. Lodging will be in a variety of hotels. There will be tours, meals, attending Rotary meetings and participation in Rotary Service projects.
  • You may sign up for both weeks or just one week. 
  • Cost week one approximately $5,375 per couple (excluding airfare)
  • Cost week two approximately $5,900 per couple (excluding airfare)
  • Detailed itinerary will be provided once application received.
Applications are being accepted now on a first-come, first-served basis. There is limited space.
Include your name and partner name, District number and e-mail.    
Join the adventure and meet fellow Rotarians from Italy and the USA.
Please contact PDG Cindy Hornaman
USA/Italy Intercountry Committee Secretary:
Cell: (610) 360-4875