Polio Eradication and Rotary’s Focus
on Disease Prevention and Treatment

We look forward to honoring World Polio Day on October 24. Polio eradication has remained Rotary’s #1 priority . . . and nothing about it has been easy. Their efforts to achieve this have been tireless.

District 7430 honors the Horsham Rotary Club for hosting this year’s Race to Zero in our district. The family-friendly Race to Zero is being held on Sunday, October 13, at Simmons Elementary School, Babylon Road in Horsham. Join us! Register Here!

The Rotary Foundation is equally determined in its efforts to spread the message about the power of vaccines to save lives. As we support the 2024 Race to Zero, let's focus on the Call to Action, that emphasizes the Area of Focus: Disease Prevention and Treatment. Rotary is encouraging us all to bring the message of the miracle of vaccines home – home to our OWN communities.

Feel free to contact me to speak to your Club about Polio Eradication and about ideas of fun projects on how your Club can support these efforts in YOUR Community.

Yours in Rotary service,

Carol Ferguson

Email: d7430endpoliocarol@gmail.com