Rotary International Convention – Singapore
May 2024
I attended my very first Rotary International Convention in beautiful Singapore and it was incredible!

Since 1910, the Rotary convention has combined fellowship with Rotary business and inspired attendees with notable guest speakers, workshops, and messages from Rotary leaders.
This year, over 13,000 Rotarians from around the world attended the convention. Plenary and breakout sessions focused on global priorities such as mental health awareness and wellbeing, and peace and fostering world understanding. In addition, there were many tactical presentations on Rotary Action Plan priorities such as membership growth.
Next year’s Rotary International Convention will be held in Calgary, Canada, on June 21-25. Calgary is home to people of more than 240 ethnicities who speak 165 languages. It will also provide the opportunity to attend the world-famous Calgary Stampede, which will begin several days after the 2025 convention ends.
After attending a Rotary International convention, you will be forever changed by the sense of purpose and belonging in the world’s largest service organization dedicated to world peace and prosperity.
I am so grateful to be part of this organization, and specifically, our amazing District.
Katie Farrell
District Governor District 7430
Photo: “The Gem” waterfall inside the Singapore Airport